lunes, 18 de noviembre de 2013

From participation to interaction / Dinkla

- developed outside traditional art institutions.
- reduce the distance between performer and audience.
- provocar a la audiencia para que interactuen.
- Duchamp: emphasis on the technical transfer of perception.
-  John Cage: transferir responsabilidad al espectador.
- Hapenning: reinterpretation and extension in form of the concept of art, not to its abolishment.
- dematerialization of the art object.
- relationship between art and it's audience.
- The decisive factor in judging the receptive situation is how active the unprepared viewer becomes within a certain framework of action and without specific instructions.
- Cyborg art: reactive, cybernetic, responsive: electromechanical systems with a lifelike behavior.
- stimulation and reaction.
- the sculpture's ability to react.
- Schoffer demonstrated the ability to program not only sculpture but the whole urban area which offers the chance to create a dialogue between technology and the environment.
- relationship between artist and engineers.
- closed circuit installations: Nam June Paik: tv set as sculptural material.
- in closed circuit installations visitors are often unintentionally or at least unconsciously confronted with images of themselves on a monitor: tension between uncertainty and exhibitionism .
- interactive systems takes the place of the authorial leader.
- interactive works provide a critical analysis of the automatized communication that is replacing interhuman relations .

Allan kaprow: How to make a happening

John Cage: 4:33

Valie Export:

Nicolas Schoffer:

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