domingo, 13 de octubre de 2013

Appropriation artists

Sherry Levine

Sherrie Levine pertenece a la generación de artistas post-modernos que usaron la apropriación para criticar a las vanguardias, al concepto de la originalidad, y a la idea de la producción en masa como ajena al arte. Desde los setenta, Levine ha reutilizado imágenes y objetos, cambiando su contexto y significado al mismo tiempo que les proporciona una vida nueva. Levine basó la mayoría de sus apropriaciones en obras hechas por hombres, para hablar sobre cuestiones de género.

Cindy Sherman

Cindy Sherman (American, b. 1954) is widely recognized as one of the most important and influential artists in contemporary art. Throughout her career, she has presented a sustained, eloquent, and provocative exploration of the construction of contemporary identity and the nature of representation, drawn from the unlimited supply of images from movies, TV, magazines, the Internet, and art history. Working as her own model for more than 30 years, Sherman has captured herself in a range of guises and personas which are at turns amusing and disturbing, distasteful and affecting. To create her photographs, she assumes multiple roles of photographer, model, makeup artist, hairdresser, stylist, and wardrobe mistress. With an arsenal of wigs, costumes, makeup, prosthetics, and props, Sherman has deftly altered her physique and surroundings to create a myriad of intriguing tableaus and characters, from screen siren to clown to aging socialite.

Joel Peter Witkin 

Joel Peter Witkin nació en el año 1939 en Nueva York, Estados Unidos. Ha ganado numerosos premios y fue condecorado como Comandante de la Orden de las Artes y las Letras de Francia. Vive y trabaja en Albuquerque, Nuevo México, Estados Unidos. Ha expuesto en distintos países, en importantes galerías y museos.

Su obra pertenece a las colecciones de destacados museos y galerías internacionales como el MoMA de Nueva York, el MoMA de San Francisco, el Museo de Bellas Artes de Boston, el Museo Metropolitano de Arte de Nueva York, el Museo J. Paul Getty, el Victoria and Albert Museum de Estados Unidos, el Museo Stedelijk en Ámsterdam y la Biblioteca Nacional de Francia.

Richard Prince

Richard Prince was born in 1949 in the Panama Canal Zone and lives and works in upstate New York. Mining images from mass media, advertising and entertainment since the late seventies, Prince has redefined the concepts of authorship, ownership, and aura. Applying his understanding of the complex transactions of representation to the making of art, he evolved a unique signature filled with echoes of other signatures yet that is unquestionably his own. An avid collector and perceptive chronicler of American subcultures and vernaculars and their role in the construction of American identity, he has probed the depths of racism, sexism, and psychosis in mainstream humor; the mythical status of cowboys, bikers, customized cars, and celebrities; and most recently, the push-pull allure of pulp fiction and soft porn, producing such unlikely icons as the highly coveted Nursepaintings.

Isaac Julien

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